Our Story
The NCASI Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was originally established in 2000 to support the research of NCASI and other academic and scientific organizations. After a number of inactive years, it relaunched in 2019 with a rejuvenated dedication to fostering collaborative environmental and forestry-related research throughout the United States and Canada. A significant benefit of the refreshed NCASI Foundation is the commitment to making research and findings publicly available to the wider community, beyond just the forest products industry, for greater reach and benefit.
The Mission and Approach of the NCASI Foundation
The NCASI Foundation supports environmental science and data to promote the sustainable use of earth’s resources, inform regulatory policy, educate, and execute the charitable activities of National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI). It accomplishes this through sponsored research, independent studies, and outreach. All information and results are in the public domain and will be provided, as available, through the NCASI Foundation website.
In conjunction with partners and NCASI staff, the NCASI Foundation will foster and support scientific research to enable the development of credible, practical solutions to environmental and forestry-based challenges, contributing to a healthier planet for generations to come.
Where appropriate, the NCASI Foundation will explore emerging topics of relevance.
Contact Information
1513 Walnut Street
Suite 200
Cary, NC 27511
Director: Susan McCord
Phone: (919) 941-6407
Email: smccord@ncasi.org